My name is Charlie Scott and I am a born and raised Alaskan. I grew up on Government Hill looking across Ship Creek towards the Anchorage Skyline.
I’ve always wanted a career where I could help people. This, along with a love for math and science caused me to gravitated towards biochemistry with an interest in studying medicine. I spent my first year outside of Alaska at Colorado State University where I enjoyed the challenge of learning the fundamentals of chemistry and biology. Then, reality hit. If I were to stay another year at CSU I would have to begin financing my education. Rather than saddle myself with student loans, I decided to return home to my loved ones and go to UAA.
During my first semester back at UAA I took an economics class and was immediately hooked. I was fascinated by markets and the class taught me how to view the world from an economic perspective. I also appreciated how it offered a way to help people achieve their financial goals. Therefore, I decided that a career in finance would allow me to pursue my passion for math, still study a form of science, and help me to empower people. With my new-found passion for the industry, I changed my major to Finance with a minor in Economics. Since then, I have been dedicated to quickly completing my degree program and applying it in the real world.
This past spring, I heard about Alaska Permanent Capital Management’s summer internship program. The internship seemed like a perfect way to apply my current knowledge of finance while gaining crucial out-of-classroom experience during my Senior year of college. I applied, and was extremely grateful when I was offered the position.
I have had the opportunity to get to know the excellent professionals here at APCM. Their passion for helping others achieve their goals is unmistakable. I was able to join the APCM office rowing team for The Dave Thorsness Rowing Challenge, where I got to see a fun and competitive side of my coworkers. Being over a month into the internship, I have garnered the utmost respect for this company and its people, and am proud to be here working with, and learning from such talented individuals.
Since I came to APCM at the start of the summer, I have learned so much about the finance industry. This internship has given me the opportunity to work alongside individuals from both the Institutional and Private Wealth divisions of the company. I have been taught how to analyze market trends using Bloomberg, honed my skills in PowerPoint and Excel, and fine-tuned my communication skills. I look forward to further growth throughout the summer, as well as strengthening the friendships I have begun to make at APCM.
Charlie Scott
Summer Intern 2018