I was born in Anchorage, but I have spent most of my life in the Matsu Valley, where I currently live. As a lifelong Alaskan, many of my interests naturally involve the outdoors. The mountains are the place where I feel most comfortable, whether I am snowmachining, snowboarding, or simply hiking.
Traditionally, I have always been ecstatic to see the first signs of winter coming each fall. Alaska’s snowy winters will always have a special place in my heart, but these last couple of years, the first snowfall has been more bittersweet for me. The reason for this feeling is that I have become totally infatuated with a new hobby: riding motorcycles. I am currently in the process of planning a cross-country motorcycle trip for next summer. Although I am hoping to travel more in the coming years, I will always come back, Alaska will always be my home.
After graduating from Colony High School, I began taking classes through UAA. I did not know what degree I wanted to earn, so I mainly took general requirement classes at first. However, after taking a couple of business classes, I determined that I wanted a BBA in Finance. Along the way, I took some Economics classes and was so fascinated that I decided to add on an Econ minor as well. I am currently in my senior year and will be graduating in the spring. In my time at UAA, I have dedicated myself to my studies and managed to earn a spot on the Chancellor’s list each semester.
A friend of mine told me about this internship opportunity and recommended it to me. After reading about APCM online, I decided that it sounded like it would be an interesting experience, and I applied. So far, I have been extremely pleased with my time at APCM. I have had the opportunity to work closely with the Wealth Management for Individuals side of the office. The best part about APCM is the people. Everyone has been more than friendly and always willing to answer my questions. I can’t imagine a better working environment, and I know that the experience I have gained will be beneficial to me long after this internship comes to an end.
Joel Allen
Fall Intern 2019