If you have been to our office this last year my face may look familiar. I was initially hired as the 2018 summer intern and continued interning at APCM my entire senior year of college. I was incredibly fortunate to gain experience here while I earned my bachelor’s degree at UAA. During my time as an intern I had the opportunity to work with both sides of the office. I dove into learning the teams’ work in helping individuals and institutions with their financial plans and investment goals. I also developed transferable skills which are not teachable in the classroom. I learned to pay more attention to detail, think more critically, and how to work in a professional office environment.
During the spring semester of my senior year I was approached by Bill Lierman, Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income, who sat me down and asked what my plans were after graduating. I told him that I planned on pursuing work in investments and studying for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. I also told him that I love Alaska and would like to stay here, however after graduating I planned on going wherever there was opportunity. The conversation ended, a couple of weeks went by, and then Bill and Evan Rose, CEO, met with me again and offered me a job. They told me to think about it for a couple of days, so I did, even though I knew immediately my answer would be yes. I had the opportunity to work in my area of interest, with a great team, in the state that is my home.
I accepted and started working in my new role as Investment Analyst directly after graduation. I hit the ground running and have been hard at work applying the skills I gained at UAA. My focus at the firm currently is taking over operations, processing and settling trades, and helping prepare client deliverables. In my spare time, I am studying for the CFA Level 1 exam. I am excited about my future at APCM and am glad to be remaining in Alaska.
Charlie Scott
Investment Analyst